Ultrastructural Analysis

Trainer Company

Khanmy Forensics

About the Company

KhanmyForensics is a small company owned by Aita Khanmy and located in Switzerland. The company is specialized in forensic services such as forensic expertise, consulting and training. These three activities are focused on documents, its examination and protection.


The company is an active partner of Aman International LLC, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman as Aita Khanmy directs its Forensic and Specialized Services. Since 2010 Aman is providing courses in the field of document examination also together with the College of Banking and Financial Studies, Muscat.


Since more than 25 years Aita Khanmy is collaborating with Projectina for training assignments worldwide.

About the Course

Ultra-structural Analysis in Forensic Science

Light microscopy is one of the essential standard examination techniques used in the examination of evidence. It is a fast and accessible method, and is non-destructive, which is  useful when dealing with precious and irreplaceable samples.


In the majority of forensic samples the resolution and magnification is sufficient however there are sample needing a higher magnification without loss of depth of field and therefore the use of other radiations than light and other techniques (non-optical).


Traces that are invisible to the human eye, like hairs or fibers, are investigated under a  microscope at magnifications of up to 1000x, although microscopy is often only one step of several in the process chain for such small samples. Then non-optical techniques are required such as electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, etc.


This course introduces to these techniques and specialized forms of microscopy widely used for forensic evidence research.

For detailed information on the company and courses, please contact SAT at: info@sat.ae

Ultrastructural Analysis

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