UFED Reader



With the same look and feel as the UFED Physical Analyzer, the UFED Reader is intuitive, simple and ready to use – no installation or license required.


Cellebrite’s UFED Reader is a free, executable application, purpose-designed for forensic examiners or investigators who need to share reports with other authorized personnel that may not use UFED Logical or Physical Analyzer. This may include fellow investigators, detectives, analysts, colleagues, lawyers, prosecutors, and more.

Benefits for forensic examiners and investigators, derived in conjunction with the complementary use of other UFED tools:


  • Minimize the possibility of losing data when sharing the files with a single and comprehensive report, in a single container


  • Dig deep into the data using advanced analysis functionalities


  • Customize and generate reports in multiple formats


  • Produce and distribute a UFDR report file together with the UFED Reader application to other authorized personnel


  • Perform a more in-depth analysis using the same UFDR file via UFED Analytics Desktop


  • Select content to share


Benefits for those who do not directly use UFED tools for extraction or decoding, but are required to view the extracted data:


  • Conduct a basic analysis of the report’s results without purchasing additional software


  • Open reports and perform your own investigation, and conduct analysis on the required information


  • Generate reports with the relevant evidence  – All extracted data is included in the UFDR report


  • Benefit from a rich set of analysis capabilities – Advanced search, filtering,  timeline, entity bookmarks and project saving


  • Customize and generate reports in multiple formats
  • Mobile Forensics

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