
MOBIfume CY500 by Attestor Forensics is a novel system for mobile fingerprint
fuming. Dismantling of bulky pieces of evidence and transportation to the laboratory
is no longer necessary.

MOBIfume is designed as a modular system and consists of one or multiple
units. Each unit features an own humidifier with a humidity sensor and a
powerful circulation fan for even distribution of humidity and the fumed
cyanoacrylate. The same fan is also used by the integrated activated carbon
filter cartridge which after the development process is used to clean the air in
the development area. The entire system can be easily and without tools be
opened for cleaning.

The user controls the system via a touch panel tablet. This is connected with the
individual components via a radio link. Control cables into the area of fuming and
airtight sealing of the access points is no longer required.

The fully functional basic kit features:

 1x MOBIfume unit with humidifier, cyanoacrylate fuming plate and air filter system
 Set of connection cables for each MOBIfume unit
 Control Tablet with touch screen operation and wireless link into the fuming room
 Transport bags made from sturdy and easy to clean tarpaulin

Forensic – Fingerprint

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