
Forensic protection of mobile devices

The OxyCube ® technology allows for advanced data decoding and reporting on a variety of devices such as mobile phones, smartphones and tablets, including Chinese chipsets.


The OxyCube ® can perform physical and logical file backups as well as the reading of system data and passwords from all files. Thanks to the built-in write protection from Tableau, hard disks and other media can also be secured for court use.


Optimized for mobile forensics:
With touch screen and intuitive interface
Designed for efficient workflows and fast results

Apple, Android, Nokia and Vertu classic, Sony Ericsson classic, Symbian S60, UIQ2, UIQ3, Windows Mobile 5/6, Blackberry, Samsung, Motorola, Chinese phones.



Forensic Acquisition:
Hard disks, flash disks, and other media that are usable by the built-in write protection.




Technical specifications:
Control: 8 “touchpad LCD
Processor: Intel i7 of the latest generation
Memory: 16 GB
System: 256 GB SSD
Target hard disk: 2 to 10TB (3.5 “) hot-swap in removable frame
ICE Bay external fan to cool the data carriers to be backed up
DVD burner Slim Line external



Trolley case for system & accessories



Forensic science:
T356789iu Forensic PCI-e / SATA / IDE / SAS / USB / FireWire Combo Bridge
Wireless keyboard and mouse, all necessary cables and adapters are included.



Windows 64 bit (8.1 / 10)
Oxygen Forensic Suite Analyst

  • Information Security
  • Digital Investigation
Please contact us and request for additional information.
Please contact us and request for additional information.