prepGEM™ Tissue is a kit specifically formulated for extracting quality DNA from a range of animal tissue types including: muscle, fat, rat tails, and fish fins. The extracted DNA is suitable for PCR applications including qPCR, SNP detection and routine genotyping.The availability of simple DNA sample preparation methods is becoming increasingly important in fast-paced research settings, as the use of nucleic acid-based analyses continues to expand rapidly. ZyGEM’s prepGEM™ DNA extraction technology, based on the proprietary EA1 enzyme, can extract high quality DNA from a broad range of sample materials in less than 20 minutes.
The extracted DNA can be used directly with analytical platforms based on PCR, quantitative PCR or capillary electrophoresis. Unlike most DNA preparation methods that require multiple steps and special handling, which increase the risk of error or contamination, ZyGEM’s DNA extraction technology uses a single tube and a simple two-step temperature cycle to prepare DNA for analysis, greatly reducing sample preparation time and the risk of sample contamination.