About the Company
Sorenson Forensics is a leader in forensic DNA testing and crime lab optimizing services. In Caseworks, it helps reduce forensic casework backlogs by offering second-to-none DNA testing analysis. Sorenson Forensics also leads the industry in providing fully-collaborative and accredited validation services for all sizes and types of public crime laboratories. As an active forensic DNA laboratory, our scientists understand the value of streamlining lab processes and maximizing production while never compromising on providing reliable results.
About the Course
Forensic Biology and DNA Training will cover the scientific foundations of the identification of body fluids and the DNA testing methodologies routinely used in the forensic community. In addition, a discussion of how DNA profiles are being used in criminal investigations, such as courtroom testimony and their use in a DNA Database. Several case scenarios will be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of Forensic Biology and DNA Testing in the criminal justice system. Lastly, the training will also include an introduction to new and innovative technologies that will be the future trend in the forensic biology/ DNA field.
For detailed information on the company and courses, please contact SAT at: info@sat.ae