Screen Fronts DNA

DNAOps™ is the brainchild of Rocky Edwards, a globally recognized and renowned forensics examiner, and was perfected as a tool track criminals through recovered DNA.It gathers all the experience and knowledge necessary to fight and track criminals through DNA left at crime scenes.It is a flexible and very affordable alternative for any law enforcement agency wanting to use cutting edge and cloud based technology to efficiently and effectively target criminals through rapid DNA.



  • DNAOps™ is a cloud based and ultra-secure “on demand” web application using  resilient and proprietary grid storage technology.


  • DNAOps™ has an extensive API allowing for full access to the secure cloud
    and third party application development including a secure chat.


  • DNAOps™ lets you input data on cases with ease and readily visualize the relationships between them in terms of time, proximity, and evidence characteristics.


  • DNAOps™ uses a highly intuitive and interactive GUI that makes it easy to learn and seamlessly incorporate into the daily routines of investigators and analysts.
  • Works on Mac or Windows


  • Compatible with Safari, Firefox, Chrome, IE


  • Front end HTML5 renders responsibly


  • Accessible from any device


  • Roles and Permission based access


  • Multi Tenant SaaS Application


  • No severs to buy, no VMs to set up


  • Use DNAOps™ tactically to identify and stop violent armed criminals before they have a chance to do more harm.


  • Use DNAOps strategically to prevent crime by mapping out hot spots and using advanced analytics to predict where the next rise in violence and criminality can happen.


    Use the DNAOps™ visualization and association capabilities to deploy the resources of your department wisely where and when they are needed.
  • Forensic – Crimescene
  • Forensic – DNA & Biology

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