forensicGEM™ DNA Extraction – Cigarette

Careful optimization of the forensicGEM™ Saliva method has allowed us to generate buffers and methods that gently release DNA from cigarette butts while leaving the tars, phenolics and other inhibitors behind. forensicGEM™ has been formulated for high-throughput DNA extraction from crime samples. The forensicGEM™ kits have been specifically designed to be compatible with high-multiplex STR profiling kits and all reagents are rigorously Quality Controlled to test for efficacy and for the absence of human DNA.


ZyGEM technology is ideally suited to the large-scale batch processing of reference samples for forensic analysis. It is validated by ESR New Zealand, one of the largest forensics laboratories in the world, and forensicGEM™ is a rapid, high throughput processing technology.


All forensicGEM™ kits are rigorously tested at a leading forensic laboratory for efficacy and purity. The basis of all of the kits is the forensicGEM™ proteinase, but special formulations have been developed for different substrates.

  • The simplicity of the method maximizes yields of DNA from trace samples


  • The kit’s optimized methods and formulations provide DNA in less than 25 minutes


  • All buffers and reagents are compatible with common profiling kits


  • The methods are closed-tube and hands-off


  • Closed–tube (protects sample integrity)


  • Hands–off (saves labor costs)


  • One-step (maximizes yields and so increases the chance of obtaining a usable profile)


  • Easily automated (compatible with most low cost, off-the-shelf liquid handling robots)


  • Validated for forensic analysis
  • Forensics- Biology & DNA

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