
GunOps enables a visual and interactive way to monitor recovered firearm evidence as it is booked into the police department. This allows Crime Lab Technicians to filter and view firearm-related evidence according to geographical areas, which then enables the operator to more quickly zero in on the targets of greatest opportunity to success.

This is accomplished by connecting many pieces of information in order to link crimes, guns and suspects in a timelier manner so as to be of most value to investigators. The web application manages a large volume of information on firearms crimes and is completely searchable making GunOps the ultimate time saver.

  • Works on Mac or Windows


  • Compatible with Safari, Firefox, Chrome, IE


  • Front end HTML5 renders responsibly


  • Accessible from any device


  • Roles and Permission based access


  • Multi Tenant SaaS Application


  • No Servers to buy, no VMs to set up
  • Forensic – Crimescene
  • Forensic – Firearms
Please contact us and request for additional information.